I fancied a bit of exercise the other today and wanted a change from my usual cycling route on the west coast so I decided on heading down the east of the island. This is a much nicer road to ride on as there is virtually no traffic, plus for part of the way it runs by the shoreline so you get a bit of fresh air and some nice,but not spectacular views. And if you aren’t in a hurry you will see sights like the beach above, which I bet 99% of people who whiz past Than Mayom waterfall entrance never realise is there – on the opposite side of the road behind the National Park buildings.
Starting point was Ao Thammachat ferry in the northeast of the island, then I just followed the road south, did a short detour to Salakkok village and continued down the eastern shore of Salakphet Bay to the hamlet of Baan Jek Bae and Karang Bay View Resort which is at the end of the road. Then I came back. Distance was around 55 Km according to Googlemaps, and around 436.7 according to my ‘US$10 from Ebay’ top quality Chinese bike computer which I think has a problem.
A very pleasant ride, pretty hot though, around 35C today, and I probably drank a few litres of water as I was out from late morning until mid afternoon – which probably wasn’t the best idea ever. I didn’t feel like stopping for lunch, it was too hot to eat anything substantial anyway, so I just got a bag full of fried bananas and munched on them. Photos were all taken on my phone which luckily can be operated with sweaty hands.
Thanks Robert. As you say the hillier parts of the west coast aren’t ideal for casual cyclists.
I have been riding Koh Chang the last week. East side is way quieter and more mellow. West side more cars and some legitimate climbs. West side is fantastic IMHO. Challenging and fun. If you’re not an experienced cyclist it’s probably a bit much. If you have good bike control and lungs, you’ll love it. Dangerous a little, but there’s hundreds of westerners renting scooters all over the west side who have no idea what they are doing, so of you are a step ahead of them skill wise, you’ll be fine. Several of the climbs hit 20+%, so have a good climbing gear! I’m on my own bike touring, 34/34 gear and relatively heavy bike compared to my carbon at home. Both sides of the island are great though.
The east coast of Koh Chang is very quiet and ideal for cycling. But if you want to be by the good beaches then you’ll need to be over on the west side. There’s one pretty steep hill – around 120 meters elevation in 1km – between the ferry pier and White Sand beach. After that it’s an easy ride down past Klong Prao beach to Kai Bae on a good, wide road. From Kai Bae south to Bangbao the road is much narrower and like a rollercoaster. So care is needed if you’re cycling there.
But early morning (before 8am), at any time of year, there’s hardly any traffic on the west coast road. Most vehicles are locals going to work or take kids to school and pickup trucks heading to pick up divers and snorkellers who are going on boat trips in Bangbao.
Old post, so I don’t know if it’s answered, but how is the roads on Koh Chang for road cycling these days? I’m planning a cycling holiday in Chiang May, and after Chiang Mai I want to relax at a beach destination for a week. But in case I want to have a few early morning rides, I’m looking at beach destinations that’s also good for cycling. Thinking maybe Koh Chang could be such a destination. Any toughs on the matter? I’m bringing my own bike, so no need for rental bikes.
There are a few places that rent bicycles but just cheap ones. Not many people ride bikes here. It’s quite dangerous on the roads and, if you’re staying in the south of the island they’re steep and narrow.
Hi Ian
Thank you for a very good and informativ homepage.
I am comming to Koh Chang in March, and I would like to go biking (road or MTB)
Are there anywhere now, where you can rent good bicycles on Koh Chang?
Good to hear. The taxis dont like to go down the east coat, that’s the main draw back of staying in that area if you don’t have your own transport. Enjoy your cycling.
Thanks. We finally rented them in Coconut Plaza. Good bikes, great rental shop. The only trouble is to negotiate with the taxis to get some reasonable prices to get to the East coast and come back.
Some tour agents on the west coast rent bikes – but not may people cycle here. But the rental shop in Dan Mai has closed now. Some of the resorts on the east coast also rent them. So they might be worth trying.
We are in Koh Chang, struggling to find a place to rent bikes. do you remember the name of that place Iris?
Hi Guys,
We where on Koh Chang last summer and any bicycle rental place we could find on Internet either stopped renting or was closed. After a couple of frustrating hours riding in taxi’s and walking we found a place that rents nice bikes. It is behind the Spar supermarket on Rural Road, north of the Klong Plu Waterfall. The guy was really nice and gave great tips.
Have fun bicycling on Koh Chang!
Good news, this! I’ve spent far too much time trying to rent a bicycle in Thailand. (Never been to Ko Chang, though, but I’ve been thinking about going diving there, and it just moved up on my list.)
“Do you have any bikes for rent? Err, sorry, I mean bicycles.”
“Sure, here there are.”
“No, I meant the kind you pedal. A bicycle.”
[suspicious look]
“You don’t want that.”
“Yes, I do.”
[even more suspicious look]
“But it’s hot outside.”
“I’ve noticed. …So, you don’t have any bicycles for rent, then? Know anyone who does?”
[Repeat ad infinitum]
I’m not part of the spandex cycling tights brigade or anything, I’d be perfectly fine with even a granny bike. But no. I’m continously thwarted in my efforts.
Sometimes I just give up and think, fine, I’ll rent one of those shitty scooters. But then they have no helmets for rent instead. And I’m not a firm enough believer in the absolute protection Chang beer plus a lobster tan gives you, popular theory as that may be.
Hi Ian, You will find a couple of bike rental places on the main road not far from the Amari. From the Amari, go onto the main road and turn right – walk about 150 metres, you will come to OK Divers, they have mountain bikes bicycles for rent. Or if you walk left about 400 metres you will come to another place with various no-name MTBs for rent.
Can I ask you a question
Is it possible to hire bikes on the island
We will be there is June (staying at Amari Resort)
Thanks in advance for your comments