Not the most exciting video you’ll ever see but at least you’ll know what to look out for when you are on Koh Chang.
It may be a bit ambitious to call this spider a ‘Bird Eating Spider’ but that’s what the locals like to refer to it as.
These yellow and black beasties are pretty common and they spin huge webs. Their bite wont kill you but will give you a nasty sting, so best to keep your distance.
Just killed one in the bathroom of our resort on Koh Mok. Smart and crafty: it found a new spot while I was looking for the broom.
I hate those little lizard lookin things. Has 2 of them land on me my first trip there. Once at the bar once while laying in bed. Freaked me out.
OMG Are these everywhere? I do not want to find one in my bathroom :-0