If you are staying in the Klong Prao area then it’s a not too difficult to walk to Klong Plu waterfall, which is the largest on the island and where you have to pay 200 Baht National Park entrance fee to get in. However, there’s no reason not to walk to the free, unmarked Kai Bae waterfall if you want to avoid the crowds and have a bit more of an adventure.
The Route
I started from our house, on the river near the Panviman Resort, which is marked on the map below. Then headed south along the beach to the far southern end at Chok Dee Resort. Then it’s just 100 metres to the main road. Once on the main road it’s a short walk to the ‘Kai Bae bypass’. Just look for the large, yellow ‘Marin Coffeeshop’ building. Follow the road that benefits no-one ( other than whoever who got the contract to build it ) inland and after 15 minutes or so walk you will come to a small bridge across the river on your right. There’s an apartment block used by staff at Sea View Resort opposite.
Cross the river and turn left, following the dirt track inland. This ends at some longstay bungalows deep in the valley. Head past the bungalows on the riverbank and then you’ll see a narrow path that cuts between the river bank and a couple of large bungalows set about 20 metres back from the river. This path leads to the trail into the jungle.
Once in the jungle it’s just a matter of following the path and the blue water pipes that run along side it , to the waterfall. 15 mins walk away. You’ll know you are near the waterfall when the path on the right side of the river disappears and it’s impossible to head further. You then cross the river and scramble along the rocks on the opposite side and you’ll see the waterfall right in front of you.
From Panviman Resort to the waterfall is around 4Km. Coming back you can follow the dirt track out of the valley, past an elephant camp to the 7-eleven opposite Kai Bae Hut Resort. Then either walk down to the beach for a swim or wander back through Kai Bae village.
This place is a nightmare to go anywhere near due to the locals who live there. On two occasions I’ve been confronted by the same angry old foreign man. Telling me exactly where and how to park my bike and telling me exactly where and how to go to the waterfall.
The most recent time was a Thai woman, who told me that I cannot go that way to the waterfall (the same way that the angry foreign man told me to go, and the same way the english signs tell you to go). I insisted that the signs quite clearly tell me to go that way, and if local residents did not want people to follow the vinyl signs, they should take the signs down. She said I should walk up the river to get there and refused to let me pass.
People who all tell you to do something different, signs which directly contradict what they are telling you to do, and a general bad attitude from local residents, are a real problem when visiting this waterfall. Out of 5 occasions I’ve visited, 3 times I’ve had problems, and 1 of those times I was simply not allowed to go to the waterfall and had to turn around and go home.